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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

brazos bend state park

do you like alligators? i like alligators.. i like looking at them. they are pretty cool animals. so when we found out about brazos we were pretty excited. it is a state park with lots of trails to hike with lots of swampy ponds that are filled with alligators that just walk and swim around as they please.. yes you heard that right.. you can just be minding your own business walking along and run into an alligator! crazy right? and snakes.. apparently there are lots of snakes poisonous and not just roamin around. unfortunately or maybe fortunately the temperature was pretty cold today and so the snakes were all hiding and so were most of the gators. we did get to see a couple gators though which was really cool. we've heard that when it's warmer there are literally tons of alligators walking around so i think we are going to have to go back on a warmer day and maybe bring curtis to protect us. ha. it still was really fun though. we had a lot of people will us which can make anything fun! we had a little picnic lunch after and all the kiddos ran around and played. it was another successfully fun day in texas! we are really starting to like it here and it is feeling more and more like home every day!

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